

Let’s keep the creativity flowing while we are away from school!!! Even though we may not be meeting once a week in my art room, my Golden Hill PAX Eagles, I wanted to put together some ideas of how we can extend what we have already been learning in the art room into where you are right now.  I have also created a few ART CHALLENGES for you to work on with your adults at home and any brothers or sisters that might want to help!  You don’t have to stick to the activities for your grade, feel free to give any of the following ideas a try over the next few weeks we are away! MATERIALS NEEDED? I say use whatever you can find.  I know in my art room I encourage all of you to use pencil first but if you have pens, markers, crayons, scissors to cut up magazines or junk mail, any of that will work.  If you have access to sidewalk chalk you can use sidewalks outside. Find a stick and try some of these ideas by scratching into the dirt. Get outside and find ...